Welcome to EBIOAC Research Group
We are a two-core research group focused on the study of ocean acidification impacts in equatorial biomes. EBIOAC starts on 2014 and in 2016 is settled in ULEAM-University. We develop our research in Ecuador, and we are open to collaborate with other equatorial countries.
Currently EBIOAC group develops its work in the Universidad Laica Eloy Alfaro de Manabí - ULEAM Our objectives are: To start and impulse in Ecuador the study of ocean acidification. Evaluate the impacts of ocean acidification future scenarios, on key native equatorial species. To contribute with scientific information to develp mitigation and adaptation strategies in Ecuador coastal provinces. |
Our main achievements
Until now we have reach some goals in Ocean Acidification program in Ecuador:
- Setting up the first micro-mesocosm to simulate ocean acidification conditions in lab. Please refer to FACILITIES secction. - Inclusion of 2 articles in the "Código Orgánico del Ambiente" (National Environmental Law of Ecuador) to impulse the study of ocean acidification problematic (thematic previously absent in Ecuador). More information: www.oceanactionhub.org/new-environmental-code-will-be-pioneer-region%C2%A0-include-ocean-acidification-if-approved www.oceanactionhub.org/c%C3%B3digo-org%C3%A1nico-del-ambiente-environmental-national-law-ecuador We are continue working on this theme and collaborationg with several institutions an local, regional and international level. |
GOA-ONWe are part of the Global Ocean Acidification Network since 2016
We are members of Latin American Ocean Acidification Network since 2015